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top 5 interview questions and answer's


  1. स्वयं को बताइए। (Tell me about yourself.)
  • I am a recent graduate with a degree in Computer Science. During my studies, I developed skills in programming languages and gained experience working on various software projects. I am passionate about coding and always eager to learn more.
  1. आपके कौशल क्या हैं? (What are your skills?)
  • I have technical skills in programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++. I am also proficient in web development, database management, and software testing. In addition, I have excellent communication and teamwork skills.
  1. आपने अपने पिछले नौकरी में क्या काम किया था? (What kind of work did you do in your previous job?)
  • In my previous job, I was responsible for managing the company's social media accounts, creating content, and engaging with followers. I also conducted market research and analyzed data to improve the company's online presence.
  1. आपका सबसे बड़ा अध्ययन अनुभव क्या था? (What was your biggest learning experience?)
  • During my internship, I worked on a challenging project that required me to learn new programming languages and work with a team. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration, communication, and problem-solving.
  1. आपके लिए समय प्रबंधन क्या है? (What is time management for you?)
  • Time management is about prioritizing tasks and allocating the necessary time and resources to complete them efficiently. I believe in planning ahead, setting realistic goals, and staying organized.

Remember, these are just sample answers. Always tailor your responses to the specific job role and company you are interviewing for to make the most impact.


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